Changing the Eclipse splash screen in few seconds
Fabian Piau | Wednesday December 7th, 2011 - 10:21 PMDo you want to show off when starting Eclipse in the morning ? After all, be more geek won’t hurt…
Download this picture (it is the same as below, but in BMP format). You can choose any other bitmap file.
Browse to your Eclipse directory : /eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.platform_X.Y.Z.vXYZXYZXYXZYXZYXZ/
and replace “splash.bmp” with the new one.
That’s it ! Don’t forget to backup the old file.
You can learn more about customizing Eclipse by visiting the official page.
PS : I have slightly modified this picture, but the original is not from me. As a self-respecting geek, you’ll obviously recognized the Death Star of Darth Vader…
Splash screen Eclipse Star Wars by Fabian Piau is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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