Android app
Install (or update) an application outside of Google Play is very simple.
- Go to the options of your device.
- Select “Settings” -> “Security” or “Applications” -> then check “Unknown sources”.
- Download the “apk” file, and then open it to begin the installation (or update).
- I encourage you to disable the option once you have finished the installation (just in case).
- Pages are adapted for small screens
- keep the essential information only: post content
- Last 10 viewed pages are added to a cache
- to make the navigation faster on pages already loaded
- Switch between French and English for the language of the posts
- the last chosen language is saved when restarting the app
- Switch between Night and Normal reading mode
- the last chosen mode is saved when restarting the app
- Like the blog, the application is available in French and English
- depending on your device current language
- A submenu allows quick access to the different categories of posts
- management, agile programming, technology, linux, event
- The search feature is also integrated into the menu
- It is possible to share an article on social networks
- depending on the applications installed on your device: Email, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Viadeo or other compatible Twitter client (Twidroid, TweetCaster)
- Display the 20 recent posts (based on the RSS feed)
- title, category, publication date
- Gesture management
- on the homepage, a left to right swipe (or right to left) displays the previous and newer page (or next and older)
- on a single post, a left to right swipe (or right to left) displays the previous and older post (or next and newer)
- double tap to zoom in or zoom out…
Project Inception
I decided to build this app for the course “Creative, Serious and Playful Science of Android Apps” available on Coursera. I wanted something useful, something that motivates me enough. So CarmaBlog App was born.
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