Eclipse keyboard shortcuts
Fabian Piau | Thursday October 1st, 2009 - 06:14 PMHere is a list presenting the most useful (and time saving) shortcuts for Eclipse.
Ctrl + Shift + T : search for types.
Ctrl + Shift + R : search for resources, e.g. files.
Ctrl + H : open search dialog.
Ctrl + F : find and replace in the current opened file.
Ctrl + J : incremental search.
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + Shift + K : find next and find previous of the current selection.
Navigation / Code understanding
Ctrl + Clic : go to declaration of this variable, method, etc. (or F3 key).
Ctrl + Alt + H : open call Hierarchy.
Ctrl + T : show all implementing methods when used on a method in an interface, inheritance, etc.
Alt + Left, Alt + Right : go to previous or next editor position in history.
Ctrl + Q : go to the last edit location.
Ctrl + Shift + P : go to matching bracket.
Ctrl + Up, Ctrl + Down : scroll up / down in the editor.
Ctrl + Tab, Ctrl + pgUp, Ctrl + pgDown : switching between opened files (Alt+Tab like).
Ctrl + L : go to line number N.
Code editing
Alt + Up, Alt + Down : move line (or current selection) up / down.
Ctrl + D : delete line (or current selection).
Ctrl + Shift + C : comment or uncomment selection (//).
Ctrl + Space : content assist (autocompletion).
Ctrl + 1 : show “Quickfix”.
Ctrl + Shift + F : format source code.
Ctrl + Shift + O : organize the imports, import the missing imports.
ALT + S, R : getters & setters generation.
Alt + Shift + R : rename a variable, a method, etc.
Alt + Shift + J : javadoc template generation.
Ctrl + Shift + L : list of available key bindings (very useful when you forget one !).
Ctrl + E : view the list of all opened files.
Ctrl + 3 : entry point for pratically everything inside Eclipse.
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