AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2020 | | Using real life examples, we will practice developing and managing applications on AWS in order to prepare for the AWS certification. The training covers many AWS technologies. Ryan Kroonenburg & Faye Ellis (A Cloud Guru) | | Mai 2020 (1 semaine) |
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Serverless for Beginners | | Get hands-on and build a fully serverless video sharing app on AWS, Auth0 and Firebase. Julian Pittas & Sam Kroonenburg (A Cloud Guru) | | Mai 2020 (1 jour) |
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Introduction to AWS CloudFormation | | Learn how to use CloudFormation, the AWS approach to automating the management of complex infrastructure and environments in a safe, reliable and repeatable manner. Abhaya Chauhan (A Cloud Guru) | | Mai 2020 (1 jour) |
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Coding for Cloud 101 | | This course is a short, sharp introduction to developing cloud applications for developers and technical managers. Robin Norwood (A Cloud Guru) | | Mai 2020 (1 jour) |
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AWS Lambda | | How to write, deploy, and manage AWS Lambda functions. By combining AWS Lambda with other AWS services, you can build powerful applications that automatically scale up and down and run in a highly available configuration with no servers to manage. Ryan Brown (Lead Architect - A Cloud Guru) | | Mai 2020 (1 jour) |
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Kubernetes Deep Dive | | How to build a Kubernetes cluster, how to deploy and manage applications on it, what are the internals and how Kubernetes works, what are the best-practices such as managing applications declaratively. Nigel Poulton (Member of the container community - A Cloud Guru) | | Avril 2020 (1 jour) |
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Mastering the AWS Well-Architected Framework | | The Well-Architected Framework is a fantastic set of resources from AWS that can help you get the most out of the AWS Cloud. The challenge is understanding how the five pillars of the framework – Operational Excellence, Cost Optimization, Reliability, Performance Efficiency, and Security – work together. Mark Nunnikhoven (AWS Community Hero - A Cloud Guru) | | Mars 2020 (1 semaine) |
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Docker Fundamentals | | We'll go all the way from "What is Docker?" to exploring what types of problems Docker solves to completely mastering Docker's core features. Nick Janetakis (Docker Captain - A Cloud Guru) | | Mars 2020 (1 semaine) |
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Centered mind | | The Science behind the mind and nervous system & learning how to influence your mind. Practical tips and exercises for you to access 'flow' state. Practical tool kit for you to create happiness and achievement that you can start using straight away. Lillia Allen (Code Academy - Expedia) | | Mars 2020 (0.5 jour) |
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Insights - Discovering Personal Effectiveness | | Gain a deep insight into yourself and your colleagues. Uncover meaning in preferences and behavior. Learn to adapt and connect with others to create strong and effective relationships. Natasha Eapen (Expedia) | | Décembre 2019 (0.5 jour) |
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Owning Your Career Development | | Be the driver of your career! Whether you are interested in enriching your current position or considering your next career move, this class will help you get a better understanding of how to prepare for your next step at your company. James Birrell (Blue Ladder) | | Novembre 2019 (0.5 jour) |
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Foundation Masterclass: Presence, Delivery and Scripting | | This Masterclass is designed to boost your personal impact, providing the tools you need to script your messages for all of your interactions, meetings and presentations. Learn the skills to increase your presence and authority, and feel confident putting these skills into practice immediately. Marcus Webb (Body Talks) | | Novembre 2019 (0.5 jour) |
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AWS Kubernetes Immersion day | | Workshop covering an introduction to Kubernetes key concepts, EKS basics and tools, Autoscaling EKS applications and clusters, Service Mesh (including Istio and AWS App Mesh). Mike Rizzo & Giorgio Bonfiglio (Amazon) | | Octobre 2019 (1 jour) |
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Amazon DynamoDB Day | | What's new with DynamoDB, advanced DynamoDB design patterns, DynamoDB under the hood, multiregion DynamoDB solutions, and the benefits of migrating relational and nonrelational databases to DynamoDB. Bureaux Amazon de Londres (Amazon) | | Octobre 2019 (1 jour) |
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Introduction to Robotics | | Do you want to build and program something that exists in real life and moves? You'll be able to program all functions (movement, sounds, sequences) of the robot (based on Arduino) by yourself and teach it to dance and sing to your liking. Wojciech Rutkowski (Code Academy - Expedia) | | Juin 2019 (2 semaines) |
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Terraform - Infrastructure as code | | Learn how to automate your AWS infrastructure with Terraform. This course will cover the basics of Terraform and enable you to build AWS resources like EC2, RDS and S3 buckets using Terraform. Pradeep Bhadani (Code Academy - Expedia) | | Septembre à Octobre 2018 (7 semaines) |
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Machine Learning | | Broad introduction to machine learning, datamining, and statistical pattern recognition. Learn how to apply learning algorithms to build smart robots, text understanding, computer vision, medical informatics, audio, database mining, and other areas. Andrew Ng (Stanford University - Coursera) | | Avril à Juin 2018 (11 semaines) |
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Offensive Security 101 | | This course covers variety of methods and tools used by the budding hacker/offensive security professional. Marshall Bradley (Code Academy - Expedia) | | Février à Mars 2018 (8 semaines) |
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Public Speaking | | Public speaking is both scary & an important part of our jobs. This course seeks to provide a foundation in the practical aspects of public speaking. We cover a number of presenting techniques that you can apply as soon as you leave the room. Maciej Matyjas (Code Academy - Expedia) | | Septembre à Octobre 2017 (7 semaines) |
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AWS for Developers | | The course is aimed at Sysops and Developers without any AWS experience. It will start by giving a general overview of AWS and its offerings, followed by closer look into EC2 and associated services, before diving into Virtual Private Clouds and networking, finishing up with a very simple web application which runs entirely in the Cloud. Dennis Conrad (Code Academy - Expedia) | | Mai à Juin 2017 (5 semaines) |
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The Online Marketing Fundamentals | | The Digital Garage is a one-stop shop for mastering digital marketing through 23 topics including how to build your web presence, expand internationally… to launch an online business successfully. The Digital Garage (Google) | | Novembre à Décembre 2016 (8 semaines) |
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Input and Interaction | | Learn principles of visual design, perception, and cognition that inform effective interaction design. Learn how to generate design ideas, techniques for quickly prototyping them, and how to use prototypes to get feedback from other stakeholders. Scott Klemmer (University of California, San Diego - Coursera) | | Février 2016 (3 semaines) |
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User Experience: Research & Prototyping | | Introduce the core process of experience design and how to effectively evaluate your work with the people for whom you are designing. Scott Klemmer (University of California, San Diego - Coursera) | | Février 2016 (3 semaines) |
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Responsive Web Design | | Learn how to make your web page designs adapt to different screen sizes using responsive grid layouts, and learn how to separate data and display using JavaScript objects and templates. Dr Matthew Yee-King & Dr Mick Grierson (University of London - Coursera) | | Janvier à Février 2016 (4 semaines) |
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Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools | | Learn front-end and mobile hybrid development, build back-end support, and implement a fully functional application. Jogesh K. Muppala (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - Coursera) | | Janvier à Février 2016 (4 semaines) |
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Responsive Website Tutorial and Examples | | Build examples of collaborative, interactive web applications that use various types of media including sound, images and big data using the Meteor Javascript Framework. Dr Matthew Yee-King & Dr Mick Grierson (University of London - Coursera) | | Janvier 2016 (4 semaines) |
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HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript | | Basics about how to create a webpage using HTML5 and CSS and how to incorporate interactivity with JavaScript. Colleen van Lent (University of Michigan - Coursera) | | Janvier 2016 (4 semaines) |
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Understanding Media by Understanding Google | | Few people who "just Google it" to find an answer to their every question understand just what the company does (and why). Through this course, you'll join the minority that really gets it. Owen R. Youngman (Northwestern University - Coursera) | | Mai à Juillet 2014 (6 semaines) |
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Functional Programming Principles in Scala | | Learn about functional programming, and how it can be effectively combined with object-oriented programming. Gain practice in writing clean functional code, using the Scala programming language. Martin Odersky (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - Coursera) | | Avril à Juin 2014 (7 semaines) |
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User Experience for the Web | | Learn to create great experiences for people visiting websites, with proven tools and techniques. Amir Ansari (Stamford Interactive - Open2Study) | | Avril 2014 (1 semaine) |
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Innovation for Powerful Outcomes | | Acquire the ability to help make innovation happen, using a rich mix of practical approaches & robust concepts. Dr. Noordin Shehabuddeen (Swinburne University of Technology's - Open2Study) | | Mars à Avril 2014 (4 semaines) |
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Leadership: Identity, Influence and Power | | Examine the recent research in social psychology and business to get practical guidelines and actions that will help in developing and sustaining leadership capacity. Randal Tame (Managing Director of RDP Strategy Group - Open2Study) | | Mars à Avril 2014 (4 semaines) |
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Technology Entrepreneurship | | Fundamentals of technology entrepreneurship, pioneered in Silicon Valley and now spreading across the world. Chuck Eesley (Stanford University - Stanford Online) | | Février à Mars 2014 (5 semaines) |
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Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems | | Introduction to the design and implementation of applications for handheld systems, such as smartphones and tablets, running the Android Platform. Adam Porter (University of Maryland, College Park - Coursera) | | Janvier à Mars 2014 (8 semaines) |
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Introduction to Enterprise Architecture | | Delve into Enterprise Architecture & gain an understanding of the tools & techniques for the design of business, mainly based on the TOGAF framework. Craig Martin (Enterprise Architects - Open2Study) | | Janvier à Février 2014 (4 semaines) |
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Creative, Serious and Playful Science of Android Apps | | Introduction to the fundamental computer science principles that power today's apps. You will also learn to create your own Android app using Java and standard software development tools. Lawrence Angrave (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Coursera) | | Décembre à Février 2014 (9 semaines) |
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Human-Computer Interaction | | Help you build human-centered design skills, so that you have the principles and methods to create excellent interfaces with any technology. Scott Klemmer (University of California, San Diego - Coursera) | | Octobre à Novembre 2013 (7 semaines) |
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Becoming a Confident Trainer | | Become a confident trainer by developing an understanding of adult learners and what motivates them to learn. Karen Turnbull & Peter Green (TAFE - Open2Study) | | Septembre 2013 (4 semaines) |
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Principles of Project Management | | Project Management Overview, methodologies and standards, the project life cycle: Concept, Develop, Execute and Finish, how to monitor and control the execution of a project. Sue Dowson (TAFE - Open2Study) | | Septembre 2013 (4 semaines) |
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Writing for the Web | | Accommodate the needs of online readers through web design, writing style, structure and search engine optimisation. Frankie Madden (Stamford Interactive - Open2Study) | | Septembre 2013 (4 semaines) |
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Introduction to Public Speaking | | Study the principles of public speaking, critically examine our own and others' speeches through interactive practice. Dr. Matt McGarrity (University of Washington - Coursera) | | Juin à Août 2013 (10 semaines) |
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Email at work and personal productivity | | Propose a new structured approach towards email management and more generally to inputs processing. Renaud Marly (Altran) | | Juin 2013 (2 jours) |
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Gamification | | What are the mechanisms of gamification, why it has such tremendous potential, and how to use it effectively. Kevin Werbach (University of Pennsylvania - Coursera) | | Avril à Mai 2013 (6 semaines) |
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Pyramid Thinking method | | How to structure the approach to carry out effective analyses and to write convincing presentations. Stéphane Dehouse & Olivier Blerot (Altran) | | Mars 2013 (2 jours) |
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ITIL V3 Awareness | | Insight in the fundamentals of Service Management. Stephan Dabin (Altran) | | Décembre 2012 (1 jour) |
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Software Testing | | Requirements Engineering, Theory and preparation to ISTQB certification, Tools, Software Test Management: Strategy & Plan. Laurent Dumont (Altran) | | Novembre 2012 (1 semaine) |
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MongoDB for Developers | | NoSQL overview, Mongo shell, Creating, reading and updating data, Schema design, Performance, Aggregation framework, Case studies. Richard Kreuter & Andrew Erlichson (10gen Online Education) | | Octobre à Décembre 2012 (7 semaines) |
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Communication Skills | | (Non written) Communication efficiency in Project Management environments, Learn communication mechanisms. Kris Verstraelen (Altran) | | Septembre 2012 (1 jour) |